Archives for posts with tag: yerevan
Self portrait with Mt. Ararat, Armenia.

Self portrait with Mt. Ararat, Armenia

I’ve reached Goris in Southern Armenia and taken a day off after 4 days of very tough riding including two big mountain passes. The continuous climbs, accompanied by descents on roads so bad that my forearms burn as I lean so hard on the breaks, have all been made bearable by the incredibly varied scenery Armenia has to offer. In a single afternoon I cycled from a desert canyon to a snow capped plateau.

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Statue near Bolisi, Georgia.

Statue near Bolisi, Georgia.

Note: If you have found this post whilst searching for info. on bike repairs in Yerevan, Armenia, scroll down to the red text at the bottom.

I’ve not moved far in the last week or so due to a combination of paperwork, a bit of laziness as well as some bike problems. With that aside Armenia has taken the crown as not just the most beautiful country on this trip but the most beautiful I have ever seen.

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