Archives for posts with tag: touring

Edit (2014/09/02): I’ve been blown away by the popularity of this post having just spotted it’s received over a thousand reads. I’ve now done over 10,000 miles on the Roux Etape 250 (9,600 on this tour plus some commuting in London) so thought this review deserved an update. I’ll leave the original review first, written after about 2,500 miles, and start the rest of the review further down.

This will be a departure from my normal blog posts about my Bike tour across Eurasia. When I bought my bike, the Roux Etape 250, there was only one single online review and this revolved around someone riding it around a city for just a couple of days. Having checked recently there are still are no more reviews and very little discussion of the bike on forums and the like. It seems to make sense to write up a decent review of it considering I may be the first person to take this model of bike on a big tour.

My Roux Etape 250 in Serbia

My Roux Etape 250 in Serbia

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Bit of a big bit of news. In two weeks time I will be departing London on a bicycle with the goal of riding all the way to Shanghai! I thought it made more sense to just re-brand this blog for the duration of the trip (rather than create a new one) as some of you following it may be interested in this new trip. You can see my rough set of waypoints in the pic below.


A more detailed map of the route can be seen on this page, Map .I’ll do another post in the next few days explaining the logistics and equipment behind a trip like this, just throwing out this first post to explain the re-design for now :).