Archives for category: Africa

Click above for a short video highlight reel from my trip earlier this month to Algeria leading a tour for Lupine Travel, or carry on for a blog post. I’m planning to make more video content of my trips so make sure to subscribe on YouTube if you want to see more 🙂 . Algeria was the final country I’d yet to visit in North Africa having previously made visits to Morocco, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt and it certainly didn’t disappoint…
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Fisherman at Kent Beach, Sierra Leone.

It’s been a long, long time since I wrote a proper blog here! For the last couple of years nearly all of my time has been taken up by my new work as a co-owner of an adventure travel company called Lupine Travel. If the name sounds familiar, it may be from when I was originally a client of Lupine in my old blog posts from 2012 about visiting North Korea for the first time, a very long time ago now!

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